NaviLens helps visually impaired people to move in unfamiliar places, such as bus and metro stations and stops, public buildings, museums, etc. Also offering information about the adapted space, such as descriptions, additional information about elements, etc.
Download appDownload the app, open it and use your mobile to read the signals. The camera of your device will capture the tag and give you the information contained in it, as well as take you to it with vocal instructions. You just have to point the camera towards the environment and wait for the device to receive the signals placed in different places.
Tutorials and videosNaviLens GO is an application to obtain additional information in the place where the tags are placed, such as guided by arrows, informative videos, information in your language, etc.
You can use these applications in all the places enabled with the colored tags. Go ahead and download the app and enjoy the experience.
Download appDownload the app, open it and use your mobile to focus on each tag. They will give you a different experience depending on the needs of the place where they are placed, such as schedules, promotional or instructional videos, history of the environment, multimedia material, guided to featured sites, etc.
Tutorials and videos